Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Menu -- Part 8: CATT, More on Avastin vs Lucentis, and Some Other Interesting Posts

In addition to the original 14 postings on Avastin vs Lucentis (see Menu 7), I have added two more – on other countries deciding to run comparison studies in addition to the U.S.

I have also added 3 postings on the CATT Study, which is scheduled to get underway shortly, including the latest information about the participating clinical centers.

There is also an update on the NeoVista Strontium 90 clinical trial, the Two-Year results of the PRONTO Study, and a short piece on how walking and exercise can lead to a drop in the propensity to develop wet AMD.

Avastin vs Lucentis Updates:

Avastin/Lucentis Update 15: The Brits Join in on the Fight

Some background on the NHS’ decision to fund a groundbreaking comparative trial.

Avastin/Lucentis Update 16: And Now the Germans Join the Battle

German health insurers decided not to be left behind and have decided to undertake a comparative study as well.

Three on the CATT Study -- The American Comparative Trial:

CATT Study Update

I received notice that a study meeting was scheduled for September, with the clinical trial to begin in the Fall.

CATT Study Update 2: Avastin vs. Lucentis – It’s Official!

I confirmed that the training session was on the calendar and that more than 180 people were expected to attend

CATT Study Update 3: Avastin vs. Lucentis – To Get Underway by Year’s End

I learned from an attendant at the training session that patient enrollment was scheduled to begin on December 1st and also obtained a list of 46 of the 47 participating centers. Until I am able to publish the list, I will provide individuals with information about clinical sites near them.

NeoVista Update:

NeoVista Epi-retinal Strontium 90 Treatment for AMD Update

I had published the original article on the NeoVista treatment in February. In early July the company sent me updated information on their clinical trials and I felt compelled to post them.

Two-Year Results of the PRONTO Study

Dr. James Folk of the University of Iowa had an excellent summary of Dr. Carmen Puliafito’s discussion of the two-year results of the PRONTO Study. I decided that the information was important enough to be put on my web Journal as well. I also added some pertinent material about the PRONTO Study from the May 2007 issue of Retina Today.

Walking Away from AMD

Back in January, I found this gem of an article in the Review of Ophthalmology, which was taken from an original article in the British Journal of Ophthalmology. I thought it important to put online in my web Journal, but until now, never mentioned it in one of my menus.


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