
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Current Resources: The Use of Stem Cells and Gene Therapy in Ophthalmology

As many of you are aware, over the past couple of years, I’ve been tracking and reporting on the companies and institutions involved in research and clinical trials using both stem cells and gene therapy in ophthalmology. With the help of several industry sources, I have been able to put together the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of who is involved and what they are doing.

Because I have been updating this information almost on a daily basis, I’ve decided to no longer post the information on this Journal (Irv Arons’ Journal), as it is practically out-of-date almost as soon as I post it. Therefore, I will only offer my tables of information to those who are interested in receiving them, and put notices on the appropriate LinkedIn Forums and Twitter when there is substantial new information to report.

Here is what is currently available:

Stem Cells

Stem Cell Companies (and Institutions) Active in Ophthalmology

A list of fifteen companies and four institutions working with stem cells for ophthalmic applications. The table lists collaborators, the cell type being used, and the applications against which the cells will be applied.

Stem Cell Therapy in Ophthalmology by Applications

A list of six ophthalmic applications being tested in clinical trials. The table includes which companies/institutions are involved, the clinical trial status, and the clinical trial number for those which are currently active. (Eleven active clinical trials are listed, with live links.)

Stem Cell Therapy in Ophthalmology – Ongoing Clinical Trial Details

More detailed information about the ongoing clinical trials for the six ophthalmic applications noted above. This table includes detailed information about the clinical sites and provides the latest information about how many patients have been treated in each clinical trial.

Gene Therapy

Gene Therapy Companies/Institutions Active in Ophthalmology

The table lists nearly forty companies and institutions actively pursuing gene therapy solutions to ophthalmic diseases. The table shows the delivery viral platform, the gene type being used (where known), the application, and clinical status.

Gene Therapy in Ophthalmology by Application

This table, like the one for stem cells, lists the ophthalmic indication, the company/institutions involved, the clinical status, and the clinical trial number. (Fifteen active clinical trials are listed, with live links.)

Gene Therapy in Ophthalmology – Ongoing Clinical Trial Details

As with the Stem Cell table above, this table provides detailed information about the sixteen ongoing or completed clinical trials. It provides information about the clinical sites, the status of each clinical trial and the number of patients (or eyes) that have been treated in each trial.

Anyone interested in receiving a copy of any or all of the above tables, please contact me via email (see the link in the side bar) and let me know which ones, or all four, that you wish to obtain. The tables are in pdf format, and as mentioned, contain live links to all of the clinical trials listed.

Irv Arons


  1. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Dear sir
    i am interested in your updates on stem cell therapy
    please i want your email to request the two tables on the stem cell in your last update
    Hatem Marey
    Lecturer of Ophthalmology
    Minoufiya University

  2. Dr. Marey,

    A link to email me appears in the right-hand column on this page. Just click on the email me message.

    Irv Arons
